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“It is not enough to do your best - You must know what to do and then do your best”

​W. Edwards Deming

Anatomical images used to show  engagement through hearts and minds

Our Mission

Since 2013, Patient Safety Science has been working to transform incident response and investigation into an effective and meaningful experience for all.


This involves the careful management of poignant opportunities to learn, so that they are treasured and result in positive and sustainable system improvement.

Donna L Forsyth CMIOSH MSCP

Chartered Safety Practitioner

Member of Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Past Head of Investigation at NHS England

Event Analysis Adviser for WHO since 2007

Air Accident Investigation Trained 2011

Initiated & led pilot for first Patient Safety Investigation Branch (PSIB) 2013-14 

Assisted start-up of Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) 2015-16

Architect of the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) 2016-20

Other recent contributions to relevant publications include:-

CIEHF - Learning from Adverse Events

NHS - PSIRF Oversight Roles and Responsibilities Specification

Donna Forsyth
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